Trips may be different – short and long, luxurious and fuel-efficient, active and quiet.Someone chooses a plane and beach holidays, someone has a bus sightseeing tour, and someone likes vacations including sea cruise …
Well, of course, when there is a possible to combine all these kinds of travel and even better when done a couple times a year! Unfortunately, the possibility does not always occur … Well, camping is not only a great opportunity to see the world and broaden your knowledge of it, but also an element of education, and excellent, so to speak, a tool for strengthening the bonds of family and relationships …
Where to go for camping? The European list of the best camping spots include France, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia. All of them have special places for the long-period campers and do offer the best conditions to stick with. As to make your camping trip more convenient we do offer to go through our list of tips.

Camping Must ItemsTent. Here we have to solve to everyone that it is more important: speed or comfort. The larger the tent, the more time spent on the installation and dismantling. Very reasonable compromise – it’s a quick installation of tents sewn on the frame. It probably makes sense when the tent is small and without a vestibule. Then, under an awning and you can hide from the sun and rain, to arrange them under the kitchen, do not bathe in a tent in the heat.
Plastic boxes for things. I would not say that the box is more convenient to pack into a car than a bagless opportunity for Tetris. But the box is a very convenient storage thing. In these things the stuff does not get dirty, does not crumple, you can put it anywhere, even in a puddle, etc. You place into the box the following items -cooking utensils, hygiene items, batteries and other wires, lamps, etc.
Table and chairs or stools. Some campsites are stationary, but it’s not always and in general it is not convenient to carry with utensils, the food here and there. Next to his tent, it is much more comfortable. Especially in bad weather.

Inflatable mattresses + pump. They are quite comfortable, but it makes sense to use them only in large tents. In small, they eat all the space. In small it is best to lay the self-inflating mats, they are softer than conventional foams. In warmer climates, you can stele on the mattress sheets and hide the other sheet, but also keep a blanket. In sleeping bags at such relative comfort, sleep does not make sense. In the small tents – is another matter.
Lights. One – a chandelier in the tent, and a gas lamp on the table. Those are very comfortable, light can be adjusted from barely to nightlight of the lighthouse. But the light is very strongly heated, you can get severe burns, so be careful. If the journey is expected to be done around the sea, it is convenient to take tough beach mats and beach umbrellas. It will pay off in three or four visits to the beaches with pay sunbeds and umbrellas. It is worth buying a plastic auger for an umbrella. Auger is screwed into the sand and put it in an umbrella. It may be useful for radio communication in supermarkets and conversations between the beach and camping, etc. If you drive two cars, you can not do without radios .
Water. If you carry a 10-15 litres of water, then this is quite enough for a small shower of three or four people, especially if you use an electric shower from the cigarette lighter. Our friends for such purposes, use the shower-type cans. By the way, a shower gives some freedom not only in the choice of lodging but also in choosing a place for swimming. Without having a shower after swimming in the ocean and sitting in the car on a hot day soon turns into something rather uncomfortable.
Food preparation during campingSince we are talking about how to make your journey as lean as possible, options for food in restaurants and cafes will leave behind the scenes. This does not mean sleeping in campgrounds. You must prepare yourself. Another thing is that there are no catering facilities in all camps. In principle, cooking at the camp is almost no different from cooking at home. Whether you have gas or electricity and normal tiles – a danger to starve you is not threatened. They say that in some camps (France, Germany) in campgrounds you might meet even their own kitchens with stove and almost from the fridge.

Many campgrounds have their own mini-market, where you can buy the necessary items and products: sausages, cheese, butter, bread and vegetables. In Hungary, in a tiny hut-shop, you will find s a huge selection of pates, and in Italy almost everywhere there is a wide range with spaghetti sauces and elegant set for them. Here you can find the cheapest car to rent during your camping trip. But particularly relying on camping shops is still not worth it – often it is just a beer-juice-chips at the reception. Reasonable and, again, more economical to purchase the products in supermarkets – it’s cheaper and there is a wider choice.
Hygiene while campingExperiencing European camping you involuntarily get amazed at how things can be elaborately organized for convenience and comfort. That you please clear example below – separate sinks for washing dishes and laundry. Water for washing and laundry is usually cold, so do not forget your favourite cleanser powder. In the camps where there is a kitchen for cooking, usually beside it is located and the room for washing dishes. Keep in mind that accurate Europeans do not like when washing dishes are left in the sink for washing or worse for the laundry. Typically, there’s a warning sign with pictures.

Almost every camp has a wonderful little room with a washing machine/machines. Take advantage of this pleasure is from 2 to 4 euros. Sometimes the price is already included powder, sometimes not. Not bad to take a small package of laundry detergent and a compact basin for handwashing. Or rather, not even for washing and laundry to transfer, as in campsites have a special sink for handwashing.